Below you will find documents I developed as an Associate Lighting Designer, as well as a research image for one of the pieces I programmed.
Pictured above is a screenshot of my research board. Two of the songs I programmed took place at a romantic candle lit dinner table and at a mall. The pictures above show some of the practical research I did into what the lighting looks like in those spaces.
Link to full Pinterest board:
The light plot of the show (developed and drafted by Nick Ligon, but with input from myself). The plot included a diverse number of moving fixtures that were new to me, so it offered a wonderful moment to learn how to set up the fixtures and how to best use them narratively.
The Magic Sheet that I developed for the show. Its form was drawn from Nick Ligon’s magic sheets, and it is a helpful structure that I have utilized in all lighting projects since.
The follow-spot tracking sheet. Its form was that of Nick Ligon’s design, and it was my task to update the tracking sheet during tech and dress rehearsals.
Cue sheet for the show. Form of cue sheet is that of Nick Ligon’s design, but I added in and built the cues for the numbers I programmed.
A photoshopped image, to convey my lighting inspiration for the Department Store scene from the song “Take it Like a Man”.